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Why it’s so important to know what really matters
Why it’s so important to know what really matters…
This lesson has a worksheet with it (below) but no video so it’s a bit more challenging to do! However it’s really worth doing properly! So read the text below slowly and thoughtfully. Once that’s done, please open up the worksheet. Print it out if you have a printer, and fill our your answers. (If you don’t have access to a printer, please open the file up and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.)
This is a really crucial step in this course, no matter what you are hoping to achieve with it so don’t rush!
So here’s the thing…
You can’t get what you want until you know what you want. It’s simply the way life works. When we’re really clear about what we want, it makes it much easier for us to make it happen, with the conspiring help of the Universe.
What if I don’t know what I want?
Go within. Ask the Universe, God, Goddess, your higher self, your Archangels and guides – whoever you feel can help you – for guidance so that you get clarity.
And/or ask yourself: ‘What do I want?’ Ask this repeatedly as you go about your day, or at the start or end of your meditations. The answer will come if you persist: pay attention to the messages, thoughts and ideas that filter through.
Or if you don’t feel you can do it alone, ask for a new spiritual teacher to come into your life.
The attached worksheet is the same as was offered to you in lesson 1. Did you complete it? Have your ideas changed since? It has been designed to help you work out what you really value. If you didn’t fill it out already, print it out and fill it out. If you already used it, check out what you wrote and see what you think now.
There is power in writing things down. Just trust me on this. (If you don’t have access to a printer, please open the file up and write your answers on a separate piece of paper.)
Doing this under Venus rx is powerful as it’s all about reconnecting with our heart and our feelings. Getting clear on what’s important will remind you how you want to live your life.