Sun and New Moon in Leo chant

Sun and New Moon in Leo chant

New Moon in Leo chant Around the 20th of each month, I release a chant to go with the sign that the Sun is moving into. New Moon in Leo chant by Yasmin Boland Om Namo...
July 2021 card reading

July 2021 card reading

July 2021 card reading I know a lot of people have a lot of questions after the intense astrology of recent times. We had the eclipses and the latest of the Saturn square Uranus clashes plus Mercury retrograde, so this month’s card draw is straight forward and...
I Am Taking Action meditation (July 2021)

I Am Taking Action meditation (July 2021)

July 2021 meditation The ‘Release The Pressure’ meditation I took one look at the energies for this month and I knew that what we all need is something which is going to help us to release any pressure which is building up as a result of the Uranus squares...
Sun Moon & Stars July 2021 – I Am Taking Action

Sun Moon & Stars July 2021 – I Am Taking Action

I Am Taking Action Video: Ellen Vaman / Art: Sergey Demidov July 2021 Moon Dates July 2021 New Moon in Cancer London: 10 July at 02:16 Sydney: 10 July at 11:16 LA: 9 July at 18:16 New York: 9 July at 21:16 For times around the world, please click here July 2021 Full...