August 2022 meditationI Am Safe and All Is Well Meditation Continuing our exploration of the Solfeggio frequencies, this month we are listening to 285 Hz. This frequency is said to heal physical problems, promoting optimum health and vitality. The 285 Hz frequency is...

Healing Fountain Meditation (July 2022)
July 2022 meditationHealing Fountain Meditation This month's meditation is the Healing Fountain meditation, in line with the theme of this month; healing. It's a 10 minute journey you can take again and again this month and whenever you know you need to get back on to...
Chakra Clearing Chant (June 2022)
June 2022 meditationThis Month's Meditation This month, as we all slow down a little hopefully, it's the perfect time for self-care. So for June, I am offering you this chakra clearing chant which many of you have told me you love, after hearing it during our SMS...
Simple and Pure Meditation (May 2022)
May 2022 meditationThis Month's Meditation If you're a long term Sun Moon & Stars member, you will know that most months, I create a meditation which is designed to go with the energies of the month but which will also be useful afterwards. For example, it might...
Surrender Meditation (April 2022)
April 2022 meditationSurrender Meditation The meeting of Jupiter and Neptune this month is an invitation to dream (Neptune) big (Jupiter). It's a time to tune into our spirituality (Neptune) bigtime (Jupiter) and it's a time to surrender (Neptune) a lot (Jupiter) to...
Anger Meditation (March 2022)
March 2022 meditationAnger Meditation Arguably the overriding energy of the month ahead is going to be anger, which is a shame. However we have to meet the energies where they are. This month as the Sun moves into the sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, it's...
Jupiter Meditation (February 2022)
February 2022 meditationThis month's meditation Hopefully you have already heard this meditation already - it's really my meditation for 2022, or at least for the first half of 2022 as it's all about Jupiter, the lucky planet, which is so active now and hopefully...
Mindfulness Meditation (January 2022)
January 2022 meditationThis month's meditation This month meditation is designed to help you get into the right state of mind as 2022 begins. Many of us are experiencing more anxiety than usual now, because of everything we have been through. Even if life does seems...
Gratitude Meditation (December 2021)
December 2021 meditationGratitude Meditation This month's meditation is a 'freebie' from my Get Back To Love Venus Retrograde course. It's going to help you open your heart so you can start to tune into the energies around us all omw as the planet of love and...
Trust The Universe Meditation (November 2021)
November 2021 meditationTrust The Universe Meditation The meditation is quite different this month. It's called Trust The Universe and it's actually more like a meditation as in thinking about something and dwelling on it! And then it becomes a bit more of an actual...
The Get Grounded Meditation (October 2021)
October 2021meditationThe Get Grounded Meditation As always this meditation has been especially chosen to go with the energies of the month. But also as always, you can listen to it anytime - in the case of this month's meditation, listen to it when you need to get...
Intentions of Gratitude meditation (September 2021)
September 2021 meditationThe 'Intentions of Gratitude' meditation This month's meditation takes advantage of the calmer skies. Hopefully you will be in the right headspace to take a moment to drink in all that is good in your life. And even if you are struggling, see...