August 2022
Moon Dates
Full Moon in Aquarius
London: 12 August 02:35
Sydney: 12 August 11:35
LA: 11 August 18:35
New York: 11 August 21:35
New Moon in Virgo
London: 27 August 09:17
Sydney: 27 August 18:17
LA: 27 August 01:17
New York: 27 August 04:17
Podcast for August
Podcast for August 2022
by Yasmin Boland
I start off this month podcast by saying “it’s going to be a pretty easy month”… then I get into some of the tougher aspects which are all about people trying to boss each other around and refusing to do what anyone else says and generally causing mayhem… So then I kind of segue into saying “it’s going to be a little bit challenging at times, though!” … But really, on final analysis, it can all be summed up as “Overall the month ahead looks pretty good … but there are going to be challenges we need to deal with.” But isn’t that just how life goes? Hope this helps you to navigate!
Click here for your August phone lock screen
Click here for your August phone lock screen
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