Moon Lite Collective

Hello [accessally_user_firstname] and a very warm welcome back to our Moon Lite Collective
Begin your journey to manifesting and wish fulfilment
In the Moon Lite Collective you will find a variety of resources.
Use the New Moon worksheet and Wishing Guide at New Moon, and the Full Moon worksheet and meditation at Full Moon.
To go deeper, delve into the Sun, Moon & Stars portal – sign up here.
One of the aims of Moonology is to teach you how to manifest. But as you will quickly learn, there is a lot more to doing that than just making wishes. We have to work on ourselves to become light beings with the ability to manifest nearly anything we want. That might sound like a tall order, but it’s actually not. The earth is a school of manifestation and we were put here to learn how to create. These worksheets are designed to help you work through whatever might be holding you back from being a powerful, deliberate manifester. The themes change from month to month as the new moon moves through all 12 signs of the zodiac.

Boost Your Manifesting

Set Your Intentions
new moon wishing guide
As we grow up, when we blow out those birthday cake candles, and we make a wish. If you’re lucky enough to have been born a powerful manifester, you will have seen those wishes coming true! So many kids are super-powerful manifestors. I remember one year my son, then aged about 6, told me afterwards that he had blown out the candles and wished for Lego. That year, pretty much everybody who gave him a birthday present gave him Lego! We had boxes and boxes of it stacked up in his bedroom! So how do you make wishes that work as an adult and without a birthday cake? Read this guide to get a really good idea of the essentials.
Why do we do Full Moon forgiveness and what’s it got to do with Moon Manifesting? Actually it’s one of the three big secrets to successful manifesting. He is the thing; we attract whatever we put out. Say that you’re really upset with yourself or someone else. Maybe you’re angry, jealous or bitter. Maybe you’ve had a nasty breakup or job disaster and you’re feelng resentful. Whatever the case, whatever you put out you get back. It’s the Law of Attraction. So we use the Full Moon, (when all our emotions come to the surface anyway), to process everything. It’s an energetic clear out which makes for better new Moon manifesting 2 weeks later.

The Stuff You Need To Process

Questions To Answer
A very important part of working with moonology and the magical lunar cycle is learning how to face up to who you really are – and to consider how that compares with who you want to be. Every Full Moon, take a moment to fill out the Full Moon questionnaire. (It changes every month). It works with the themes of the month, depending which zodiac sign the Full Moon is in. Morever, it helps you to work through any issues that you may have which are leading to self-doubt. Until we work through our issues, we don’t feel worthy. Also it will help you engage in some powerful self-inquiry that in turn free yourself up to be the person you were born to be.
The Simplest Meditation
Before I became an astrologer and moonology, I used to be a cigarette-smoking, coffee-drinking, hard-working journalist. I was barely in touch with my spiritual side for many years. And then a girlfriend of mine started to meditate and I saw the changes that took place in her. She went from chaotic to amazingly reliable and functional. So I decided to sign up for the same meditation course she had done, and my life also changed. I opened up to astrology, for one thing, and later, of course, moonology. If you think you can’t meditate, think again. Everybody can. Here is the simplest meditation. Just have a listen and b-r-e-a-t-h-e out!

I Am Where I Am

Your Key To Decode The Lunar Cycle
Lunar decoder
When you first start out with Moonology, you really only need to understand two things; there is a waxing cycle (which runs from New Moon to Full Moon), and a waning cycle, (which runs from Full Moon to New Moon). If you make your New Moon wishes and two weeks later, you do your surrender and forgiveness work at the Full Moon, you are very likely to start to see straight away how powerful a manifester you are, by birth! However, once you get going, you will almost certainly become curious about the lunar cycle itself in more detail. This PDF is designed to help you understand the 8 main phases of the lunar cycle that we get every month.