December 2022Releasing 2022No matter how the year was for you, there are likely to be events which are still festering or upsetting you. This workshop will focus on whatever it takes for you to move on from the past. We will be doing a- "thanks for nothing" list- a...

SMS Workshops Info
November 2022 – Final fling – Jupiter in Pisces
November 2022Final fling – Jupiter in PiscesThis month we see the planet of good luck and good times, Jupiter, moving back into Pisces for one last final fling. This is the last time Pisces will be hosting Jupiter for more than 10 years. So it's the last time you have...
October 2022 – Eclipse Workshop
October 2022Eclipse WorkshopIt's that time of the year again! There are eclipses about and Yasmin will be explaining everything you need to know in order to make the best of them. Eclipses used to be feared in the olden days but nowadays astrologers know they can be...
September 2022 – The 8 Main Phases of the Moon
September 2022The 8 Main Phases of the MoonOnce a year, Yasmin holds a workshop all about the 8 main phases of the Moon, and it's happening this month. Once you start to understand the 8 main phases of the Moon, your life will really start to change. You will know...
August 2022 – Can oracle cards change your life?
August 2022Can oracle cards change your life?This month Yasmin will be offering members a free replay of her 2021 US online workshop How To Use Oracle Cards To Change Your Life. Time and Date: August 23 *5PM BST (British Summer Time). No need to register for this...
July 2022 – Working with Moon Goddess energy
July 2022Working with Moon Goddess energyLast month we took a look at the angels which rule your birth chart and the house is in it. This month we're going to be turning our attention to Goddesses. Which Goddess do you need to turn to for what? For example, if you...
June 2022 – Working with Moon Angels
June 2022Working with Moon AngelsOne of the most beautiful ways to work with your astrology chart is to tune into the Moon angels. In this workshop, Yasmin will be combining everything she knows about how astrology and angels dovetail perfectly - and how you can use...
May 2022 – Get Lucky + The Eclipses
May 2022Get Lucky + The EclipsesIt's very big month astrologically speaking and we have you covered! In this workshop we're going to be talking about the move of the mighty planet Jupiter into the first sign of the Zodiac, areas, and what that means for you. We all...
April 2022 – All about Mercury retrograde
April 2022All about Mercury retrogradeIf you have ever wondered what this cycle is all about, this workshop will be for YOU. Find out what it is and why it matters, how to tell which sign Mercury is retrograde in and how to apply that to your own chart. Our focus will...