August 2021 meditationThe 'I Am Grateful' meditation The message for the month here in the Sun, Moon & Stars is I Am Grateful so this month, we offer you a Morning Gratitude meditation, The first one is just my voice and the second has binaural tones which are said to...

I Am Taking Action meditation (July 2021)
July 2021 meditationThe 'Release The Pressure' meditation I took one look at the energies for this month and I knew that what we all need is something which is going to help us to release any pressure which is building up as a result of the Uranus squares we have this...
I Am Smashing It meditation (June 2021)
June 2021 meditationThe 'I Am Smashing It!' meditation For this month's meditation, I really couldn't think of a better track than this one which I recorded many years ago. The message is super simple. "I am where I am, and it's ok". It's the right message for this...
Connect To The Divine meditation (May 2021)
May 2021 meditationThe 'Connect To The Divine' meditation This month I promised you that I would do what I can to help you connect with the Divine. So I am offering you this never-before-heard meditation which features a meditative chant for Jupiter. I hope you agree...
Moving Forwards meditation (April 2021)
April 2021 meditationThe 'Moving Forwards' meditation This month, with all the planets moving forward for most of the month, it seemed like the perfect time to offer you this meditation. It's my Motivation Meditation and it's designed to help you to reconnect with...
I Am Safe And All Is Well meditation (March 2021)
March 2021 meditationThe 'I am safe and all is well' meditation As he will know by now if you've had a listen to the podcast or read the March calendar, March is going to be a relatively calm and easy month. Certainly it doesn't have any of the drama we saw in 2020,...
The ‘Smashing It’ meditation (February 2021)
February 2021 meditationThe 'Smashing It' meditation The music is Uriel, used with the kind permission of Mark Watson. The meditation this month designed to help you forward-create your next four weeks. If you smash February 2021, where will you be this time next...
Breath Meditation (January 2021)
January 2021 meditationBreath meditation This month, the aim of the meditation game is to breathe through any dramas. We get the first of some rather unsettling squares to Uranus which we're going to be dealing with all year. And that, dear reader, could be as awkward...
I am Free Meditation (December 2020)
December 2020 meditationI Am Free Meditation This month's meditation wrote itself, more or less! I knew I wanted to do a meditation about feeling free and it came to me to remind us all how we are all connected to all life everywhere. Once we realise that we ARE the...
A meditation for positive transformation (November 2020)
November 2020 meditationA meditation for positive transformation These are very testing times for many people. We are moving towards the Jupiter / Pluto conjunction and eclipse season. Everything is up in the air. Transformation is possible. However we humans do not...
A Healing Gratitude Meditation (October 2020)
October 2020 meditation A Healing Gratitude Meditation I received a Divine download that we all need to focus on the good and being uplifted at the moment, so here is a meditation to help you to do all that. Using the power of gratitude affirmations, this meditation...
Cooling The Fire (September 2020)
the SUN, MOON AND STARS September 2020 meditation The fiery planet Mars is going to get many of us wound up this month and in the coming months. I chose this meditation because it helps work through an issue that causes you anger. Whether you listen to it right after...