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Connect To The Divine

Art / Video: Ellen Vaman

May 2021
Moon Dates

May 2021 New Moon in Taurus
London: 11 May at 19:59
Sydney: 12 May at 04:59
LA: 11 May at 11:59
New York: 11 May at 14:59

For times around the world, please click here

May 2021 Full Moon in Sagittarius
London:26 May at 12:13
Sydney: 26 May at 21:13
LA: 26 May at 04:13
New York: 26 May at 07:13

For times around the world, please click here

Podcast for May 2021

by Yasmin Boland

Every month, I open my ephemeris, which is a book of planets, and I take a look at the astrology for the coming four weeks. There is nearly always something quite stand out. This month is no exception. We have the planet of good luck and good times, the planet that is all about seeking to find a greater understanding of the world, Jupiter, moving into the numinous, mystical and psychic sign of Pisces. It has a very Divine signature! So this month, our theme in the Sun, Moon & Stars is all about connecting with the Divine. One of the best ways to do this is through raising your vibration which is what the meditation this month aims to do. Click here for your May 2021 Daily Calendar.
The Oracle With Yasmin
May Meditation
Full Moon Sheets
Card Draw

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