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March 2022
Moon Dates

March 2022 New Moon in Pisces
London: 02 March 17:34
Sydney: 03 March 04:34
LA: 02 March 09:34
New York: 02 March 12:34

For times around the world, please click here

March 2022 Full Moon in Virgo
London: 18 March at 07:17
Sydney: 18 March at 18:17
LA: 18 March at 00:17
New York: 18 March at 03:17

For times around the world, please click here

April 2022 New Moon in Aries
London: 1 April 7:24

Sydney: 1 April 17:24
LA: 31 March 23:24

New York: 1 April 2:24

For times around the world, please click here

Podcast for March 2022

by Yasmin Boland

This month’s podcast is a little different – it’s a run down of the main energies in the skies for the month ahead, as always. However, because of the ongoing situation in Ukraine as I recorded this, I couldn’t help but see the events coming up through that lens. One thing that is coming through to me really strongly now is that we are all light workers. If you’re listening to or reading this chances are you are a light worker and we all need to hold space for a better world as we come out of the pandemic. I hope this podcast helps you. More regular transmission will hopefully resume next month!
Click here for your March phone lock screen
Click here for your monthly calendar
The Oracle with Yasmin
March Meditation
New Moon Sheets
Card Draw

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