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So it begins!

Credits: Ellen Vaman Art / Oise der Sinne Video

January 2021
Moon Dates

January 2021 New Moon in Capricorn
London: 13 Jan at 5:00
Sydney: 13 Jan at 16:00
LA: 12 Jan at 21:00
New York: 13 Jan at 00:00

For times around the world, please click here

January 2021 Full Moon in Leo
London: 28 Jan at 19:16
Sydney: 29 Jan at 6:16
LA: 28 Jan at 11:16
New York: 28 Jan at 14:16

For times around the world, please click here

Podcast for January 2021

by Yasmin Boland

It would be nice to think that the Clock will strike midnight on December 31, 2020, and this whole crazy year will magically turn into a normal times again. However you probably don’t need me to tell you that’s not going to happen! This month’s podcast is all about the rather intense astrology of January 2021. Click here for your Sun, Moon & Stars January Calendar.
New Banner The Oracle With Yasmin
January Meditation
Full Moon Sheets

January Card Draw

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