Oracle Cards
Ask the Universe for guidance. Choose your card!
Click the card deck image below to shuffle the cards.
From a neutral state of mind, ask the question you want the Oracle to reveal.
Click on the card that speak to you most

She knew she could start again… and so she did
The message
There is a YES! coming your way. This is one of the most auspicious cards in the deck – it’s absolutely positive and suggests something new and exciting is developing. The situation you’re enquiring about is blessed and you are on target to achieve your goals. The message from the Universe here is that you’re starting all over again in some way, be that on a new and better course or just feeling more positive about achieving your desire outcome. If you have been feeling stagnant, this card reminds you that life goes in cycles and you’re moving into a new cycle now. This is the time to wipe the slate clean. If the situation you enquired about has become toxic, either that will clear up now OR that something totally new and fresh is on its way.
Affirmation for this card
I’ll see it when I believe it.
Additional meanings for this card
• Your belief that your dreams can manifest is working well
• You will soon start to feel more hopeful about getting what you want
• A difficult situation will be resolved – a troubled period is coming to an end
• A new start is on its way
• Forget about the past
The teaching
The New Moon marks the start of a new cycle, a dark and veiled time. It’s the start of the waxing cycle and the mid-point of the Dark Moon. It’s a time of witches do their work, making wishes and laying down of intentions for a new cycle. It is an intensely magical time – it’s easier to pierce the veil to other worlds. It’s a rebirth time. The Moon is invisible at this time.

She stayed the course because she knew it was the right course…
The message
Don’t give up! This card suggests the situation you’re enquiring about is still taking shape. You are nowhere near the end of the story. Whatever is happening now, it’s a step along the way. As they say in the self-help classics, “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” The Crescent Moon card is a reminder to you, though, that you do also need to keep working towards whatever it is that you want. If you can’t take practical steps, then spend time meditating on the question you’re asking about and allow your Higher Self to download information to you about your next best step. Overall this card suggests there is every reason to be hopeful for a very positive outcome in the situation you’re asking about, so keep the faith!
Affirmation for this card
I am focused on what I want
Additional meanings for this card
• Be patient as events unfold
• Dig a little deeper to find more courage
• Don’t look back – stay focused on moving forwards
• Just because you can’t see your dreams doesn’t mean they’re not manifesting
• Sometime you have to chase your dreams
The teaching
Even if it’s not the time of the Crescent Moon when you pull this card… getting it suggests you need to really pursue your dreams. The Crescent Moon is the second Moon phase in the 8 main Moon phases. It’s the time to put your foot down hard as you chase your goals. The Crescent Moon is the second Moon phase in the 8 main Moon phases. It’s the time to put your foot down hard as you chase your goals.

She knew that challenges were there to test her commitment
The message
There could be some challenges coming your way – but they are just the Universe’s way of testing you. What do you actually think is possible now? Do you believe your dreams come true or have you secretly already given up? The thing you need to do now is face any hurdles with confidence. That is what the First Quarter Moon calls for. If you believe you can, then you probably can. If you spend your life loudly or silently affirming that something is too big for you to surmount, it probably is! See how it works? What you believe to be true is true for you, so believe in yourself. Showing some commitment now will also help you move towards your desired outcome.
Affirmation for this card
I am committed to my dreams and move forwards towards them with confidence!
Additional meanings for this card
• Your answer is “yes but not yet”
• You still need to put in a more bit more of an effort
• Sometimes we just need to realise how much we want something
• You’re half-way to your goal
• You need to recommit to someone or something
The teaching
In the lunar cycle, the First Quarter Moon comes between the New and the Full Moon. It’s a time when the Sun and Moon are at a hard astrological angle to each other and it can prompt a small crisis. No matter when you pull this card, you need to see any dramas as a stepping stone on the way to where you want to be. It can be a time when you need to stay strong through a storm.

She was filled to bursting with excitement at all the potential
The message
Your situation is peaking. The word Gibbous means “bulging”. What a descriptive word, right? And pulling this card (at any time of the month!) suggests that the situation you’re enquiring about is bulging with possibility. However this is not an ‘ending’ card with a neat ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer. Rather you’re being reminded some adjustments may yet be required before you get what you want. Certainly it suggests you’re on the right track, which is hopefully reassuring for you. However there is also a sense that the situation is a bit tense. Careful not to push too hard. The situation is packed with potential but one false move and the whole thing could blow! That’s not meant to scare you – it’s just to let you know there is a fuse attached to this situation, so careful if you choose to light it!
Affirmation for this card
I know that I am on the right track
Additional meanings for this card
• Now is a good time to review your plans
• Keep the momentum going as you move towards your dreams
• It’s a good time to start a new project
• You need to get back into good health habits
• Stay focused
The teaching
The Gibbous Moon comes at the very end of the lunar cycle, just before the Full Moon. The Gibbous Moon looks to be bulging because it’s almost Full. It’s when you look at the skies and see the Moon is nearly fully rounded. It’s the culmination of the Waxing Cycle and as such tends to be rather an intense period of the month. No matter when you pull the card, it suggests a very ripe time and a very ripe situation!

And when the happy day finally dawned, she was ready to welcome it
The message
The very word climax brings all sorts of ideas and images to mind, agreed? But it really is the feeling of this card. Life is coming to a head, a point, a conclusion or a turning point. There is some kind of change predicted, and maybe even an emotional explosion of sorts. Tune into your emotions now and see what they are telling you. They are very likely close to the surface, no matter when in the Moon cycle you have pulled this card. Matters are going to conclude soon and you will get your answers. Now is the time for you to learn whether or not your wishes are going to come true. The odds are in your favour, as this is a positive card. However you may need to work harder than usual to keep cool as event unfold.
Affirmation for this card
I am getting the answers I need
Additional meanings for this card
• There could be a sense of madness in the air – breathe deep and stay calm!
• It’s make or break time
• A wish you made may be about to come true
• You may need to forgive someone to release negative energy
• It’s time to let go of the past and move on
The teaching
The Full Moon is the undisputed climax of the lunar cycle. That makes this card, something of a power card. The Full Moon is often when answers to questions asked at the time of the New Moon come – and pulling this card at any time in the lunar cycle suggests answers will be coming your way before too long too.

She was generous with her time and her knowledge
The message
The intensity of the Full Moon has abated and what are we left with? That is the question this card asks you. Give yourself and others time out. Breathe. This card suggests the situation you’re enquiring about has peaked and it’s time to learn from your experiences rather than forging ahead blindly. If you feel you have hit an obstacle or even failed in some way, now is the time to reflect on how to do things differently next time. We can’t be ‘on’ all the time. Try to accept the way things are now and take time out to relax. Be honest with yourself if you feel bad about your current situation and then remind yourself that life goes in cycles. The cards suggests it may be time for you to regroup.
Affirmation for this card
“I am where I am and it’s ok”
Additional meanings for this card
• The situation you’re enquiring about is losing energy
• It’s time for you to share your wisdom and experience with someone else
• You should know where you stand now or very soon
• You need to take some time out for your own good
• Avoid falling into a slump
The teaching
The Disseminating Moon is the first Moon phase after the explosion of energy that comes with the Full Moon. No matter when you pick this card, it suggests that you are at a more tranquil point in the life cycle of whatever situation you’re asking about. The Disseminating Moon is the time to breathe out. Give yourself some time off and think about what has been. This is not the time to start something new, ideally.

She emptied herself of all her fears and worries, and it felt good
The message
Think of yourself as a vessel that has been filled up and up and up over the past few weeks. Some of what has come your way must have been wonderful, however there is also a lot of negativity which you need to release. Whatever situation you’re enquiring about now, be honest with yourself about if there are toxic emotions which you need to let go into the ethers. This card also comes with the promise that all is not lost! However there are changes or adjustments required before you will reach where you want to be. A change of course is forecast as recent events are understood and acted upon. There can be a ‘crisis’ now which serves to remind you of what you want and what it’s time to let go of. Pay attention.
Affirmation for this card
“I am re-evaluating the situation”
Additional meanings for this card
• Trust may be required to move this situation forwards
• Your life may be out of balance and that in turn is causing your issues
• Something new and exciting is around the corner
• Look at any upset now as an opportunity to springboard to a solution
• It may be time to hatch a whole new plan
The teaching
At the time of the Third Quarter Moon, we know where we have been but where are we going? The silvery Moon is now a half-Moon and slipping away from us as she catches less and less light, moving towards her full disappearance at the time of the New Moon. It’s a falling away time. A time to re-evaluate and trust. No matter when you draw this card, the teaching for you is to release and trust.

She sought out the healing she needed…
The message
Pulling this card suggests that the past is in the past and a bright future is beckoning. However before you take your next step, make sure that you feel healed and the situation feels healed. This is not the time to paper over cracks, or to pretend that everything is ok. Rather you need to allow just a little more time to heal and soothe yourself and anyone else who needs it. And then? Remind yourself that anything is possible, if you believe it. Start to work on your belief in your dreams, so you’re ready when the time comes. This is both a time to surrender, as well, as wait to hear guidance from the Universe. Powerful insights can be had. If you know someone or something really isn’t good for you, this card is a reminder to surrender that too.
Affirmation for this card
“When one is healed, all are healed…”
Additional meanings for this card
• It’s time to let go of the past
• You need more time to heal
• You are about to turn the corner
• The light at the end of the tunnel is flickering
• Think about how this situation would look if everyone was healed
The teaching
Patience is required at the time of the Balsamic Moon. It’s a time for self-care, as you slowly but surely prepare yourself for the New Moon which is just around the corner. No matter which point in the current Moon cycle you have pulled this card, it’s a reminder to you to go a little bit easy on yourself. The time to step into your Creatrix power will come soon enough! Give yourself the time you need.

Fire sign
The energy is … yang and shouting “go get ’em!”
The message
The flame is lit! You are on the right track. Drawing this card is a superbly positive sign if there is something you want to manifest in your life. This is the time to really tune into your dreams. Take this card as a big “Yes!” from the Universe. You may still have a long want to go (after all Aries is the first sign of the zodiac) but you are on your way – very much so! Determination, self-assertion and bravery is called for. The caution; don’t go too fast and forget your manners. Treat people well as you charge your way towards your goals. You will create much better karma for yourself! The hot fire of Aries is driving you towards success in whatever endeavour you’re enquiring about. A wonderful new start beckons.
A recommendation based on this card
Don’t even think about giving up
Additional meanings for this card
• It’s time to take action
• Do your best (and be happy with that)
• Avoid being brash now
• A new male is coming into your life
• You need a 12-month plan
The teaching
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and so the New Moon in Aries is the first of the annual 12-13 New Moons of each year. If you are committing to working with all the lunations of the year, then the New Moon in Aries is the right time to do it – and drawing this card (no matter when) also makes it the ideal time to start your Moon work, for example, setting intentions.

Earth sign
The energy is … yin and sensual
The message
This card will come up when you’re enquiring about a financial matter and also when your own self-worth is in doubt. Whatever you want now, the best thing you can do is to value yourself. This card suggests you can have what you want – including materially – however it comes down to the fundamental rules of the Law of Attraction; value yourself and others will value you too. Like attracts like. This is a good time to make a 12 month financial plan, as Taurus is associated with luxurious Venus, and this card holds the New Moon energy. This card can also signal the start of a new relationship or of sexier times. If you’ve been wrestling with something for a long time, the New Moon in sturdy Taurus is a sign now to give up just yet!
A recommendation based on this card
Get or give a massage – healthy body, healthy mind
Additional meanings for this card
• Are you being too stubborn? Stubbornness may be the issue here
• It’s time for you to take some time out for pampering
• Getting clear on what you value most will help you find peace
• You will soon be able to afford that something you’re dreaming of
• Start a direct debit automatic savings account – no matter how small
The teaching
We often feel like it’s somehow wrong to focus on finances but the truth is that money can make life far more comfortable, from a physical point of view. Taurus knows this and the New Moon in Taurus is the time to work your magic to create the money you want to have the things you want. Remember, though, what you already have, someone else is still wishing for. A financial start in terms of creature comforts.

Air sign
The energy is … yang and very communitive
The message
In every relationship, success usually comes down to one thing; communication. And the New Moon in Gemini card is all about the start of a new cycle for communicating with the person at the centre of your question. Talking things through is the answer to whatever it is you’re enquiring about. If you can’t talk to that person, you can journal about it to yourself. It’s time to change the way you’re thinking. Emails and SMSes and all other forms of communication will also help you now. If the issue you’re enquiring about concerns a sibling or neighbour, there is a new start coming there. Wipe the slate clean and start again. But most importantly, drawing this card emphasises the need to communicate. It could also suggest you have been too frivolous lately and need to get grounded again.
A recommendation based on this card
Write a list of all the people you love most and see if you’re prioritising them
Additional meanings for this card
• Read more books
• Someone is flirting with you
• Time to tell someone who you feel
• Good news regarding a publishing project is coming
• Don’t be all in your head and not in your heart
The teaching
Gemini is the sign of communications and socialising, ideas and travel and the energy around it (and this card, no matter when you pull it) is bit speedy, gossipy and flirtatious. The New Moon in Gemini is a wonderful time to get out and socialise – Gemini loves a chat. One thing to be aware of is that it can also indicate being mentally scattered’. Daily meditations will help to unscramble crossed wires in your brain!

Water sign
The energy is … yin and protective
The message
There is a new start coming in your private life. This can be to do with moving house or be related to a member of your family (or even to a flatmate). Something is rising up to do with the people and places you hold dearest. If you’re hoping to move forwards with something special in your private life, this card comes to you as a message that you can do it. If you have been neglecting your family, it’s time to reconnect. And if you’ve been neglecting yourself, the answer to your question is that you need to take better care of and nurture yourself more. If your insecurity is holding you back, then that is something for you to work on now, when you pull this card. Doing so could bring your heart’s desire.
A recommendation based on this card
Make sure you put family first
Additional meanings for this card
• It’s time to review your goals – have they changed?
• Spending time near water will bring you peace and answers
• A new cycle is starting for your child or children
• Meditation will help you banish your insecurities
• Let someone get a bit closer to you
The teaching
The Full Moon in Cancer can be a super emotional time as the Moon is all about emotions and Cancer is a watery sign and also very emotional! Saying that, the Moon is very happy in the sign of Cancer – it’s one of its two home signs, along with Taurus – so this card, whenever you pull it, suggests that whatever happens next will be in your favour. It’s especially positive for family matters.

Fire sign
The energy is … yang and wants some attention!
The message
This card heralds the start of a new cycle for you, where you are going to look and feel more gorgeous, more in the spotlight, more like you have something worth showing off. If you want someone’s attention, this card says “it’s coming!” However it may not happen all by itself. You have to be willing to do your ‘bit’ – that means being proud of who you are and what you have to offer. Think of yourself of the king or queen of the jungle and carry yourself accordingly. This card is also a great omen if you’re enquiring about a creative project you’re working on. It also heralds good news or a new start with or for your kids.
A recommendation based on this card
Make sure you make time for having fun
Additional meanings for this card
• You have turned someone’s head
• It’s time for you to show the world what you’ve got!
• Spoil yourself – you’ve earned it!
• Shine your light!
• Have some pride
The teaching
Leo is the sign of the big-hearted and brave-hearted lion; of pride and showmanship and flirting. The energy loves itself and so should you. The energy around the New Moon in Leo and therefore this card whenever you get it, is hot and generous. If you have been too much of a wallflower, this card and this New Moon comes to you as a reminder that you need to be proud of who you are

Earth sign
The energy is … yin and reliable
The message
When this card comes up, it’s time for you to take stock of your situation. Where are you, and where do you want to go? The New Moon energy of the card suggests a restart and the Virgo energy suggests you make that restart clever, simple and well-organised. Virgo also has a strong health aspect to it, so if you have been poorly, this card suggests that your health is on the up and up. Virgo also loves clean eats and alternative therapies, so factor them in now, however you have been feeling. If a situation is blocked right now, it could be that you’re over analysing things or perhaps being too critical. It’s time to ask less what someone else can do for you and to think more about what you can do for others.
A recommendation based on this card
Recommit to healthy morning and evening routines
Additional meanings for this card
• Organise your life, your wardrobe, your office – clear the energy!
• It’s time for you to get healthier
• Pay attention to detail if you want success
• Be of service, and love and money will follow
• The person you’re enquiring about is reliable
The teaching
Virgo is the sign of health and service and analysis – the energy is precise and has a feel of the harvest. When this card comes up, it could be that a wonderful bounty is coming your way. However the energy of the New Moon in Virgo is usually going to be about getting your life in order. That’s what you need to do at the time of the Virgo New Moon and whenever you pull this card!

Air sign
The energy is … yang and all about you and me
The message
Give and take could well be the answer to whatever dilemma you’re asking about. A compromise may be called for. It’s time to start negotiating – or even renegotiating. When the New Moon in Libra comes up, there is a restart for you and someone else. A new relationship could be starting. If that’s the case, the chances are this will be a healthy and well-balanced connection. In anything you do after pulling this card, doing it ‘by two’ somehow is advised – for example, teaming up with someone in business or your personal life. Libra is the sign of really relating and this card suggest whoever is at the heart of the issue you’re addressing is someone who will be open to talking things through. Avoid being selfish – that won’t get you anywhere at this time.
A recommendation based on this card
Reach out to someone and let them know you care
Additional meanings for this card
• Money for what your heart desires is coming
• Pay some attention to your appearance but don’t be all about appearances
• Marriage or engagement is on the cards
• Feel more, think less
• A legal matter will go your way
The teaching
Libra is the sign of love and harmony, negotiation and You & Me/Relationships – the sign is solid and balanced, harmonious, kind and luxurious. So when we have the New Moon in Libra, or when you draw this card at any time, there is a restart possible for anything and everything connected to partnerships, negotiations, appearances and justice. Remember that Libra is depicted by the scales – this energy wants to bring things back to equilibrium.

Water sign
The energy is … yin and secretive
The message
This card suggests a rebirth. Think of your situation as the phoenix that is rising from the ashes, or of the famous birth – death – rebirth paradigm. That is what Scorpio energy is all about. Whatever you have been through, there is a new start ahead. It might be a little dark, it almost certainly won’t be rainbows and unicorns, but it will be a deep and transforming. This card also suggests that you know you are magical, then this is the time to work your magic! It can also herald the start of a sexier time, if you have been experiencing a drought. Emotional intimacy is now on the menu. Scorpio is the sign that likes to go deep, body, mind and spirit, so when this card comes up, there’s nothing superficial about what’s coming your way.
A recommendation based on this card
Have some sexy time
Additional meanings for this card
• Make an investment
• Move on from jealousy
• Could it be you’re being paranoid?
• Time to let go of a grudge you’re holding
• Stop being obsessive
The teaching
Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, magic and shamans – the energy is a little bit dark, occult, even scary. Not all of us like to face the shadow but Scorpio demands that. In fact, it’s through working through your dark side that you can get to the light, and the New Moon in Scorpio or the appearance of this card no matter when you draw it, suggests you need to do that now.

Fire sign
The energy is … yang and fun
The message
Whatever is coming your way now, it looks set to put a smile on your face. The New Moon in Sagittarius can mark the restart of having fun after a period of feeling low or even miserable. The energy is adventurous and even a bit risk-taking – careful you don’t bet the farm on something here as the wheel of fortune is still in spin! This card is about exploring life metaphorically, by exchanging big ideas or just thinking about your own philosophies. Perhaps it’s time to change your mind about something important? It can also signal that a trip away is coming up, if that’s something you’re working on manifesting. The overall message though should be this; when this card comes up, whatever happens next looks like a gift in some way, even if it simply widens your world view.
A recommendation based on this card
Count your blessings, literally. Write them down or say them out loud.
Additional meanings for this card
• This is a wonderful time to start a course of study and/or teaching
• You need to laugh more!
• Start a week gratitude practice (eg a journal, Facebook or blog post)
• Lady Luck is on your side
• Don’t be narrow-minded
The teaching
Sagittarius is the sign of fun, travel, exploration and the Great Cosmic Quest. It’s the sign of big ideas – the energy is expansive, upbeat, lucky and Divine. The New Moon in Sagittarius exudes all this, as does this card, whenever you draw it. Nothing is set in stone with Sadge and an optimistic energy could attract all manner of good things to you now, if you tap into the energy by expecting the best.

Earth sign
The energy is … yin and constructive
The message
First and foremost, this card suggests a new start for you professionally. Whatever has been going on in your working life (and perhaps even if you weren’t enquiring about a work matter!) this card heralds the start of a new and improved cycle. If you’re unhappy in your current job, this is the time to either renegotiate your position or look for something new. Whatever your question, work or not, a new plan and strategy is called for. You need to take a look at the long-term and think about where you want to be in 12 months or even 5 years’ time. That will inform your best course of action now, so think seriously about it. Drawing this card suggests it’s a time for you to be ambitious about whatever it is that you want to achieve.
A recommendation based on this card
Make a proper plan and execute it well
Additional meanings for this card
• A bout of nastiness is going to be
• Don’t be too controlling / avoid a controlling person
• A very good omen for doing any study or teaching
• Hard work will make your dreams real
• You need to be more disciplined to reach your goal
The teaching
Capricorn is the sign of ambition, building and hard work – the energy is solid and rigid. The New Moon in Capricorn is a powerful lunation which comes towards to end of each year and marks arguably the best moment annually to make a list of your hopes, dreams, ambitions and intentions for the year ahead. Pulling this card anytime suggests that with planning and discipline you can achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Air sign
The energy is … yin and electric
The message
This is the time for moving forwards, whether that means moving forwards one way or another. Aquarius is the sign that is all about progress and modernity, so the New Moon in Aquarius card means “no looking back!” Change is coming and it could come quickly now. The change you want? That truly depends on if you believe you can have what you want and also on how much you are relying on others to bring you what you want. This card comes with the suggestion that you may need to do things independently or solo. Also, time may be on the essence when this card comes up – Aquarius energy has an electric element to it. Certainly there is a sense that you need to let go of the past and move towards your future asap.
A recommendation based on this card
Explore the idea that it’s not what you know but who you know
Additional meanings for this card
• Improve your karma by doing some charitable work
• You need to be more detached from this situation
• More pragmatism is called for
• Thinking outside the box will bring the solution
• A good omen for your social life
The teaching
Aquarius is the sign of invention and modern advances, technology and humanity – the energy is a little brittle, it’s different, scientific even, and definitely less emotional. Many people think Aquarius is an emotional Water Sign because the Aquarius symbol is the Water Bearer but it’s an Air Sign and is far more about intellect that emotions, as is this card, no matter when you draw it. Dropping convention works well with this energy.

Water sign
The energy is … yin and dreamy
The message
This card speaks of dreams and romance, of soul mates and poetry. It suggests there is a new start coming your way connected to a matter which leaves you feeling somewhere between having your head in the clouds and being in a totally altered state. There could be confusion and disappointment if that’s what you’ve had before and that’s what you’re expecting. However if you’re onto a good thing, then wish hard because the words of your soul and your heart could help bring about the manifestation of your dreams. And if all that sounds a little elegiac then that’s Pisces for you. This is the deep, last sign of the zodiac and the New Moon in Pisces card can suggest a last ditch chance to make your dreams come true. Dreams, dreams and more dreams.
A recommendation based on this card
Use your feelings to guide your way (logic won’t work now)
Additional meanings for this card
• Face your fears – they may be holding you back
• This situation is being healed
• It’s time to surrender to the Divine (chant Om Namo Narayani)
• Avoid being deceptive or a deceptive person
• Avoid substance abuse of any kind
The teaching
Pisces is the sign of dreams and soulmates, poets and psychics, water and the unconscious – the energy is deep like watery depths. The New Moon in this sign is the time to listen to your feelings and to allow your emotions free reign. What you’re feeling as you pull this card is more than like the truth… unless you’ve been kidding yourself somehow. And only you know if that’s the case or not.

Fire sign
The energy is … yang and brash
The message
It’s time to see if you have been a little bit too much all you “me, me, me”. There is a tug-of-war going on between what you want and what someone else wants. You will have to wait a little while to see what is going to happen next. However as you wait, ask yourself if you have handled the situation up to now as sensitively as you could have done. If you know deep down you have been a little rash or gone too fast, or gone where angels fear to tread, over-stepped the mark or been downright brash, then accept that you have on some level created the situation you find yourself in – and you can now create your way out of it.
A recommendation based on this card
Be nice, be kind, smile and be polite as you navigate to where you want to be
Additional meanings for this card
• The emotional temperature is rising – be aware of this!
• If you are in a tense situation, meditate your way to peace
• Being assertive is good – just don’t ride roughshod over anyone
• You need to have more fun
• Don’t be a baby! (Sorry, but it could be the issue!)
The teaching
The Full Moon in Aries is a super fiery time when emotions can run very high. On the upside, there is excitement at the potential ahead. But tempers are likely to flare and people can be rash! Whenever you have pulled this card, it indicates the situation has just or is about to come to a peak, perhaps with rather heated results. There could be a price to pay if you have been too competitive or blunt.

Earth sign
The energy is … yin and stable
The message
Sometimes you need to weave a bit of magic and sometimes you need be practical. And sometimes you need to find a combination of the two and make some practical magic. This card suggests that’s where you are now. You need to use the Law of Attraction to draw in what you want (by imagining it, expecting it, welcoming it) but you need to balance that out with taking practical steps towards your goals. This is not about wishing on the Moon and hoping for the best. It’s about making something like a bullet points list about how to achieve your dreams. If you’re enquiring about money, this card heralds a change of financial fortunes. For the better or worse? That depends on your past actions and also what you’re expecting (and therefore attracting).
A recommendation based on this card
Write down 10 things you know are wonderful about YOU
Additional meanings for this card
• Laziness could be the reason for your current situation. If so, own it!
• Chasing money doesn’t work – you need to chase a dream
• Jealousy or envy create a very negative energy and attract negativity
• More exercise is called for
• Stand on your own two feet financially
The teaching
The Full Moon in Taurus is a time to get back to earth, to get grounded, to work through any negative feelings you’ve been dealing with and to find a balance between being passionate versus being overly intense. Money matters may come to a head at the time of the Full Moon in Taurus, so no matter when you draw this card, take it as a sign to pay more attention to your cash-flow.

Air sign
The energy is … yang and very communicative
The message
This card reminds you that it’s important to speak your truth, but you also do need to remember that your words have consequences and impact your listener. It’s important to guard against indiscretion now. Whatever issue you’re facing now could well be one or a few conversations away from being solved. If you’re enquiring about a love question, a little flirting may be called for. If you’re in the middle of an argument, this card comes to you are a reminder of the old very non-Gemini message “least said, soonest mended!” It’s good to talk but be careful you aren’t causing yourself issues with your words! The power of words is huge – as metaphysician Florence Scovel Shinn (1871 – 1940) put it “your word is your wand!” You create magic and your own reality every time you express yourself.
A recommendation based on this card
Have an important conversation – communicate – but stay calm!
Additional meanings for this card
• Someone is trying to flirt with you – have you noticed?
• Don’t’ be superficial
• You need to laugh this situation off and just move on
• Job applications have good prospects
• Avoid or ignore the gossip you hear
The teaching
Talk, talk and more talk as the emotional Full Moon sets off the communicative sign of Gemini. It’s too easy to say too much, so mind how you go, if and when you pull this card! This card can also indicate a fun social event – for example – since the Full Moon in Gemini is a great time for socialising in any kind of social setting. This card also augurs well for studies you’re taking/considering.

Water sign
The energy is … yin … and highly emotional
The message
This card suggests that a domestic matter is going to come to a head soon. There could be something of an explosion of emotion at this time or surrounding your question. It’s important to be sensitive to other people when you pull this card. There are some very fine sensibilities around so tread carefully as you move towards your goals and/or dreams. This is the time of family issues coming up to be dealt with too. Nothing to worry about! It signals a challenge is coming to an end now. A great time to move house. Very emotional Full Moon as Cancer is a super emotional sign. A very feminine time, too. The answer to your question lies in being a kind leader. This is the time for you to step up and agree to overcome your insecurities.
A recommendation based on this card
It may be best to move towards what you want in a sideways manner
Additional meanings for this card
• Don’t be clingy
• Stop sulking!
• Have you had enough family time lately?
• Success in buying or selling a home
• Meditate to soothe heightened emotions
The teaching
Cancer is one of the two home signs of the Moon (along with Taurus). Astrologically-speaking, the Moon loves to be in the sign of Cancer, is at home in the sign of Cancer, and in fact rules the sign of Cancer. So there is a sense that “all is as it should be” or even “don’t worry, all will soon be well” with this card, though the high emotions of the Moon/Cancer combination can’t be ignored!

Fire sign
The energy is … yang and fun
The message
Have you been letting pride get in your way? Is the question you’re asking, the answer you’re seeking, based on ego or is it from your heart? Leo energy is all about the heart – think of the big-hearted Lord of the Jungle, the lion. It’s magnificent energy but when it’s combined with the rush of the Full Moon, it can go over the top. This card may have come to you because you need to end a deadlock which has developed because more love and thoughts for the greater good are the solution to your dilemma. If you have not been “doing as you would be done by” lately, this is the time to find a balance between your own needs and the needs of the people around you. That will help all your relationships.
A recommendation based on this card
Be magnificent, without being just plain too much!
Additional meanings for this card
• You need to consider someone else’s needs as much as your own
• Everyone is equally important
• Creative urges should be followed – work some creative magic!
• Self-esteem is good, vanity is not
• A friendship may be ending now
The teaching
When the Full Moon in Leo comes, it can be a wonderfully bright time where people feel more confident to show the world their talents and assets. That’s the upside of this lunation and of this card (no matter when you pull it). However take note that the Leo Full Moon creates a sort of tension between your needs and the needs of the people in your networks. Leo Full Moon is a time to release pride.

Earth sign
The energy is … yin and reliable
The message
It’s time to be really honest with yourself. You need to understand why you are where you are, asking this question. This card comes with some questions. Have you been humble to the point of being self-effacing. Humility is good but it can go too far, and drawing this card suggests you may be under-rating yourself. You don’t have to be flash but be quietly certain that you are good enough. At the other end of the spectrum, you also need to honestly answer this question; have you been too picky? The Full Moon in Virgo card needs some honest answers. Once you have given them, it should be easier to see how you got where you are. Once you know that, your next step should become more obvious to you. Pay attention to the details.
A recommendation based on this card
Find a balance between the cosmic and the mundane in your daily life
Additional meanings for this card
• Have you been overly critical? An apology maybe in order
• Worrying too much will attract more things to worry about
• Raise your karma by doing something good for someone else
• Stop second-guessing yourself
• You have been underrating yourself
The teaching
The Full Moon in Virgo is a time to declutter your life, your home, and your office. It’s the time to sort what’s good in your life from what is not serving you. It’s also to clear out your energies, via salt baths and meditations. And to practise getting more grounded, by walking barefoot. No matter when you draw this card, it reminds you that any time is a good time to start living a healthier life.

Air sign
The energy is … yang and all about love and beauty
The message
The Full Moon in Libra, the sign of partnership, of falling in love and really relating to someone else. Since Full Moons are about climaxes and conclusions, the card comes with a message that either you’re about to start a new relationship, or an important existing relationship is changing somehow; perhaps coming to an end or going to a new level of commitment. It’s important to remember, people come to us for a reason and sometimes just for a season. If a relationship is ending now, it’s doing so at the right time, so try not to fight it. This card can also refer to a professional relationship. There is also a sense that you need to balance your ego with someone else’s needs. Doing so might be the answer to your question.
A recommendation based on this card
Let go of that which is falling away…
Additional meanings for this card
• Are you sure you’re not being too vain?
• It’s time for you to make a firm decision
• See the other person through the eyes of love – it will change your perspective
• Time for you to focus on yourself for a while
• You need a makeover
The teaching
What you want and what someone else wants is in focus under the Full Moon in Libra. No matter when you pull this card, it’s encouraging you to find a balance when it comes to your desires versus what the people around you need. That is a very Libran energy and the Full Moon brings things to a peak. Libra energy also brings love energy. Negotiations are easier. Dramas and upsets bring partnerships to the fore.

Water sign
The energy is … yin and doesn’t want to let go
The message
If you have been acting paranoid or just plain weird, please take this card as a very direct message from the cosmos to stop it. Worrying yourself is pointless. It’s time to release any negativity you have around the situation you’re enquiring about. If someone has been mean, perhaps it’s time for you to release them. This card heralds an emotionally intense time, since the Full Moon and Scorpio are both extremely intense themselves. It’s time for you to feel all your feelings. There could be some nastiness in the air when you pull this card – if that’s the case, take this as a sign to move away from anyone or anything which you feel is toxic. For some, this card has a totally different meaning – your sex life can improve now, if you make an effort!
A recommendation based on this card
Emote! Emote! Emote! It’s all better out than in.
Additional meanings for this card
• Someone is being cunning – take care!
• You are right to have your suspicions
• It’s time to move from living fearfully to living joyfully!
• Let something go – grudges are toxic
• The end of an argument
The teaching
The Full Moon in Scorpio has a sting in its tail. It can herald a vindictive relationship ending. It can be a time when we want to be good but we’re being naughty. If you pull this card, no matter when, your dark side and your shadow side may be showing. The Full Moon in Scorpio is also a time of magic. If you were thinking of making some, this is your sign to do it!

Fire sign
The energy is … yang and adventurous
The message
Are you thinking too much about the details of your dilemma? Doing that, fretting over the minutiae, can be plain counter-productive. This card comes as a reminder to you that while it’s very good to think things through, sometimes you need to just step back and see the bigger picture. What do you see about your current situation if you do that? Can you laugh about where you are? What is the most positive thought you can have about it? Think that. Now is the time to count your blessings, even if you don’t have exactly what you want yet. As well, this card reminds you that so often, we have to take a few risks and sit with uncertainty on this journey called life. Try to keep an open mind about what is for the best. The Universe could surprise you.
A recommendation based on this card
Take some time out for a mini break or adventure if you can.
Additional meanings for this card
• Have you shown that you care? If not, now is the time.
• Find a balance between speaking your mind and saying too much
• This situation may have come around because you have been distracted
• Be confident without being overconfident, to win the day
The teaching
The Full Moon in Sagittarius is a time when we are reminded that life is an adventure and there is a big wide world to see beyond our backyard. It’s about big ideas versus focusing on the details. It’s about having fun, and being prepared to sail into unchartered territory. No matter when you draw this card, it’s a reminder to look at the bigger picture. A social occasion could also sort out your issue.

Earth sign
The energy is … yin and grounded
The message
How hard are you willing to work for whatever you want? This card is reminding you that effort is required. Work issues may be about to come to a head, when this card comes up. If you are wondering if you should stay or go at work, this can be a strong sign to leave. This card also asks you to consider how ambitious you are, and how hard are you willing to work to make your professional dreams come true? Make sure you’re not being ruthless. In a love question, this card can be a call to face reality. Whatever situation you’re asking about, making a plan will help now. If your persona life is troubled, prioritise it more.
A recommendation based on this card
Release control and trust the Universe
Additional meanings for this card
• A professional project may be ending now
• Find a balance between your personal and private life
• Admit if you have been hard-headed or hard-nosed
• Make changes if your personal life is impinging on your work life or vice versa
• It’s time to stop fearing the worst
The teaching
The Full Moon in Capricorn has a very strong work ethic and energy, and will more than likely come up when you’re asking a professional question. If your question is about another matter, it will serve as a much-needed reminder to you to move through any feelings of hopelessness you may have been feeling about your situation. This applies no matter when you draw the card. Making a plan is a far better use of your time.

Air sign
The energy is … yang and maybe a little aloof
The message
This card comes to you with the message from the cosmos that you need to detach a little from whatever situation you’re enquiring about. Someone might be keeping you at arm’s length now but it’s not a bad thing. It’s important for you to allow life to unfold and progress, even if change seems like a frightening prospect. If you have been holding yourself back from showing the world the real you, this card reminds you that your unique characteristics are what make you special. Do be yourself, in whatever is coming up for you now. In a relationship, are you being too aloof or detached? A relationship which is ending now could do so with less passion and more pragmatism. It can also suggest that nothing will change with someone who’s being cold with you.
A recommendation based on this card
Feel your feelings but also be prepared to move on
Additional meanings for this card
• Don’t lose the beauty and romance of life
• A friend needs you – be there
• A situation is going to take a very unexpected turn
• You are too much in your head – get in your heart!
• It’s time to detach (and you probably know it)
The teaching
Every Full Moon is a time to release and let go but the addition of Aquarian energy into the mix makes that go triple. Aquarius is the opposite of ‘clingy’ and pulling this card at any time suggests you either need to let go or someone is thinking they need to let go themselves, perhaps of you. What needs to go? What is the right thing to do. Modernity, technology and progress. Expect quirkiness.

Water sign
The energy is … yin and dreamy…
The message
Have you taken your eye off the ball? Have you been so head-in-the-clouds that you have somehow lost touch with reality? If so, take this card as a sign that you have to pay attention and make a concerted effort to move towards your goals. The more practical steps you take, the better right now. Answers as to how to solve your issue may come through very clearly now if you meditate on your question. Simply write it down and close your eyes and breathe gently for 15 minutes and notice the messages that come through. If you’re in a tricky situation because you’ve been acting ‘the martyr’ this card is a definite message from the cosmos to drop the act, for everyone’s sake! You need to find an inner balance – your responsibilities and your dreams.
A recommendation based on this card
Meditate every day and see what comes to you – answers will come
Additional meanings for this card
• At worst this can herald the end of a dream
• The person you’re enquiring about is a soulmate
• Follow your intuition – it won’t let you down!
• You’re in a super romantic (not super realistic) state
• Avoid substance abuse
The teaching
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, so the Full Moon in Pisces marks endings, quite symbolically. It’s a time to dive deep into your emotions when the Moon is full in Pisces and/or whenever you pull this card. Practicality is at odds with the numinous Piscean energies that have no borders, so feel your way now. Psychic ability is heightened. Soulmates connect. A time to send out your dreams to the Universe. Releasing fears.

A new start!
She moved through the doorways that were opening up to her
The message
If you wanted an affirmation than you can achieve your dreams, then this is it. This card is a very strong affirmative that you can get your desired outcome in this situation. However note that it could be quite a ride! Whatever is happening now is happening for a reason that you will appreciate later on. Events now may even be jarring and uncomfortable but it’s a time when new directions taken will almost always lead somewhere better than where you are now. There are powerful energies at work. This is a card of beginnings. A new portal is opening up and all you have to do is have the courage to forget about the past and move through it. There is nothing to fear. You are being put back on your right path.
Affirmation for this card
“Never mind the past, life evolves every single day!”
Additional meanings for this card
• Whatever is happening now is happening for your highest good
• You are being shunted towards your life purpose
• This is an important turning point in your life
• Accept unscheduled life changes now – embrace the new!
• Yes, yes, a thousand times yes
The teaching
New Moon eclipses are one of the most exciting astrological events. They herald a complete change of pace. It’s as though you’re headed in one direction, probably being guided by your ego, and then here comes the Divine, Spirit, the Goddess, to turn you to face the direction that you need to go in instead. No matter if there is an eclipse happening or not when you pull this card, it’s a powerful affirmation of positive turnarounds.

She knew that the past was a different country and they did things differently there
The message
Full Moon eclipse – and just like that, a door slams shut! If you have pulled this card, it suggests that the situation you’re enquiring about has or is about to reach a peak. More or less, things are out of your hands. Cede control and let events unfold. What are you experiencing now is what your soul has signed up for, as a way for you to learn and for your soul to evolve. So let go and make it easy on yourself. If you are letting go of someone or something, know it’s the right time, as hard as it might be. Forgiving someone for what they did or did not do could be the key to resolving this situation in a positive way. Forgiving someone doesn’t make what they did right but it releases it so you can move on. All bets are off.
Affirmation for this card
“That which is meant for me will not pass me by…”
Additional meanings for this card
• It’s time for you to get back on track
• Doors which slam shut now will not reopen
• It’s time for you to work with your shadow self
• Forgiveness will set you free of karma
• Meditation, pranayama and yoga nidra are all recommended now
The teaching
Full Moons are nearly always about climaxes and very often about conclusions. Full Moon eclipses are that on steroids. A Full Moon eclipse can be hard to handle because it portents change, something many of us humans are uncomfortable with. But change is a part of life and this card, no matter when you pull it, is reminding you of that fact. Note that Full Moon eclipses can also give us a glimpse into what Carl Jung called the “shadow self.” Work with your darkness.

She decided she was going to work on her dreams, and she did
The message
A very positive card indicating that you can have whatever you want, the you can create the reality you’re dreaming of; however it will take some work and you are not quite there yet. During the Waxing Moon cycle, hope springs eternal. This is a time of energies rising up. Where do you want to go and do you believe you can get there? Emotions are building too. This is card is a very positive sign that a situation is still developing. Either you can now just keep meditating and focusing on your desired outcome, or you can make the courageous commitment now to take more practical steps towards your goals. Whichever you decide, you are most certainly on the right track. This card is a very positive omen that you can achieve your heart’s desire.
Affirmation for this card
“I know I am headed in the right direction…”
Additional meanings for this card
• The situation is full of potential
• Your dream can come true
• More effort is yet required – are you willing to make it
• Review your goals and ensure you’re still committed
• Keep moving forwards
The teaching
The Waxing Cycle is the period of the lunar cycle from New Moon and the Full Moon. During this time, the Moon appears to be slightly bigger and rounder every night. It’s a very empowered and empowering time, and, no matter when you pull it, this is a very promising card. The Waxing Cycle is the part of the lunar cycle where you need to make plans and act on them, and so it is if you have pulled this card.

She let it go because she knew it was time…
The message
The Waning Moon is all about what is falling away. Life goes in cycles and sometimes we need downtime, or to let go. This card signifies that this is the time for that for you now. It comes to you as a sign that a situation has peaked, for better or worse. It’s the autumn and winter of the cycle. What do you need to release? Almost certainly something from the situation you are enquiring about. This card can be a very positive but still be gently suggesting to you to let something go, to stop trying so hard. Sometimes you have to just be, and pulling this card suggests that now is one of those times (no matter where in the Moon cycle we are as you read this!) It’s a sign to go easier.
Affirmation for this card
It’s safe to let go and move on…
Additional meanings for this card
• This is not the time to start new projects
• Releasing emotional baggage is recommended now
• Do energetic work such as meditation or yoga
• Say sorry to someone
• Soon you see what lies ahead
The teaching
At the time of the Waning cycle, take a moment to look up in the skies every night – you will see the Moon growing smaller and smaller, as She moves from Full to New again. It’s the time when things are falling away. Certainly it’s not the time to cling on to anyone or anything. Drawing this card suggests your situation is in the Autumn and Winter phase. Hunker down and start the regeneration process.

Just be
She surrendered…
The message
In a form of astrology known as Horary (where a chart is cast for the moment of asking the question and decoded), a Void of Course Moon means “nothing will come of this matter”. Or “this situation will bear no fruit”. This is good news or less good news, depending on what you are asking, of course. For example if you were worried about something, whatever it was, this card can be taken as a sign that there is nothing to worry about. However if you’re enquiring about a new project of any kind, including a new relationship, it’s a sign to adjust your expectations or change things up so you get a different outcome. Remember, these cards can only predict what you are currently creating. You can change that with your behaviour and beliefs!
Affirmation for this card
“I trust in my highest good”
Additional meanings for this card
• Take time out, meditate and contemplate
• Believe that you will get what you need
• Something better may be around the corner
• Surrender to the Divine
• The chances of something are diminishing
The teaching
The best thing you can you do when you get this card is to chant the Sanskrit words “Om Namo Narayani!” which mean “I surrender to the Divine” or “I surrender to the Divine Mother”. The main definition of a Void of Course Moon is when the Moon won’t make a major connection with any of the planets until it enters the next sign. A Void of Course Moon is time to just ‘be’.

She began, because she knew no one else could begin for her
The message
Now is the time to be bold. Be bossy, even. Take matters into your own hands. Cardinal signs are powerful and self-starting, they are determined and great and organising. Drawing this card strongly suggests that you need to be all that too, in whichever situation you are enquiring about. To get to your ideal resolution or position, it looks as though you will need to be assertive. This card may challenge you about how strongly you really want something. If you’re worrying about a situation, it’s a suggestion to be less passive! Instead, take an assertive stance as you steer events as you want them to go. Speak up for what you want. You may need to step us as leader or in some way take the lead, if you’re serious about sorting things out.
Affirmation for this card
I am taking charge of my ‘destiny’!
Additional meanings for this card
• Be bold and follow your heart and emotions
• There is no time like the present
• The time for action is NOW
• Come into your power
• Ask Ganesh, the Hindu Elephant God for help
The teaching
In astrology, there are three so-called quadruplicities; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. These are the signs which like to get things started and which are the natural leaders (remember, we all have all 12 signs in our chart, different parts of our lives.) No matter when you draw this card, it’s a sign that something new is starting and you quite possibly need to take the lead on it!

She stood her ground…
The message
There are two main possibilities with this card. The first is that something is stuck. That could well be the situation you’re enquiring about. If that’s the case, have a think now about what you can do to grease the wheels so that events move forward. Are you being stubborn? If so that’s great! Because if you really want things to change, there is a solution; stop digging your heels in! Be the one to break a deadlock. The second – very different – interpretation of what this card could mean is that in fact, you need to stand firm in whatever situation you’re in. It’s up to you to decide what is going on here and which meaning applies to you. This offers up a chance for some self-reflection. Who is the bottleneck in your life?
Affirmation for this card
“Yes…” Just say the word a lot and see how it feels.
Additional meanings for this card
• Staying power is needed
• A personal or professional relationship will be enduring
• Someone needs to back down
• Patience is called for
The teaching
In astrology, there are three so-called quadruplicities; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. Remember we all have all the signs in our chart (it’s just the way the astrological wheel works) so there is no judgement when we say that while it’s admirable how much staying power the Fixed Signs have, they can be stubborn. Anything that’s just starting as you draw this card may well last longer.

She knew the one constant was change…
The message
This card comes as a sign would be a sign that something is changing. There is room for manoeuvre. Mutable is all about change, shape-shifting even, something is still developing. So take this card as a sign that whatever situation you are asking about is actually far from finalised. If you’re not happy with the current state of play, that’s marvellous news, right? It means you can yet change the course of the outcome. However there is also a sense that the situation now could be rather changeable and perhaps even a little bit unstable. Either way, nothing is yet set in stone. That is the crux of the message that this card brings. For some that is great news, because you can still influence it. For others wresting with uncertainty, stay with it a little longer.
Affirmation for this card
“I know that the best will unfold for me”
Additional meanings for this card
• You’re meandering towards your goal and that’s ok
• Staying adaptable is the key to success for you now
• Make sure you are not being led astray!
• Have you become distracted? Time to focus!
• Stay with it, whatever ‘it’ means to you
The teaching
In astrology, there are three so-called quadruplicities; Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable. The Mutable signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces. When the Moon is in one of these signs, you know there is going to be more flexibility in a situation. And anytime you pull this card, it suggests there is room to keep visualising and affirming what you want as there is still room for change. Think about what you want – enjoy the daydream!

She recognised something extraordinary when she saw it!
The message
This card suggests that the answer to whatever you are asking is writ large like the silvery Full Moon set against the velvety night sky. To use common parlance, the answer to your question may well be “totally in your face!” If you’re wondering how successful something (a job, a relationship, for example) is going to be, the answer is VERY. This card is about being larger than life, being special and being jam-packed with energy that you can tune into and work with. When this card comes up, you can expect good things and a positive outcome however you may also find that there is a lot of emotion to deal with as well. There is also a sense that the opportunities around whatever you’re asking about don’t come along every day, so take action.
Affirmation for this card
“Success is close, I just must trust!”
Additional meanings for this card
• A resolution to your question is closer than you may think
• Make sure you don’t blow events out of proportion
• Events now are super-charged
• Speak to the Goddess – ask her for assistance
• Don’t ignore the obvious
The teaching
A Supermoon is a New or Full Moon which takes place when the Moon is at its closest point to the earth in its monthly orbit around planet Earth. This is known as perigee. The Moon actually appears around 14% bigger at this time, if it’s a Full Moon. Because the Moon is known as the Queen of Emotions, you can expect higher emotions, too, if and when you draw this card, no matter when.

A rare chance
It was a very rare opportunity and she seized it!
The message
As the saying goes some things happen “only once in a Blue Moon”. In other words, hardly ever! Drawing this card suggests you’re about to get a rare chance. Something very much “one-off” could well be about to happen. This card is a very positive sign if you have felt almost like you’re hoping for too much or asking too much of the Universe. Whatever you are asking about, well, it might only happen once in a Blue Moon, but it can happen! Do note however that because you have this rare opportunity before you, you need to believe it in. If you convince yourself that whatever you’re asking about can never go in your favour, then guess what? It won’t go in your favour! Be grateful for this card, reminding you to believe in your dreams!
Affirmation for this card
“I’m lucky!”
Additional meanings for this card
• If you can believe it, you can achieve it
• Miss this chance now and it might not come back again quickly
• The person you’re enquiring about is a rare find
• You have found a diamond in the dirt
• What happened may only happen once
The teaching
Usually there are three Full Moons between each equinox and solstice (or vice versa). Sometimes, though, we get four Full Moons in a single season. When that happens, the third of a season’s four Full Moons is called a Blue Moon. This was the original definition of a Blue Moon, but another has since become popular: a Blue Moon is also be the second Full Moon in a calendar month with two Full Moons.

And then one day she had the courage to push outside her comfort zone
The message
The South Node is a karmic point – the opposite to the North Node. This relates to the past, perhaps even to past lives. Whatever you are going through and whatever you’re asking about, there is a chance that age old-programming and conditioning is stopping you from achieving all that you otherwise might. Do you feel stuck something? This card will often come as a sign to suggest that the situation or relationship you’re asking about has somehow become sticky and even toxic. It suggests someone (you?) needs to get unstuck, that there is some kind of addiction going on, or an unhealthy attachment which needs to be sorted. One thing is for sure, when you get this card, you are being challenged to make some changes, even if staying where you are feels easier and safer.
Affirmation for this card
“I release the past!”
Additional meanings for this card
• A relationship is karmic and has played out across many lifetimes
• Your attraction to someone may be verging on obsessive
• Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should
• Familiarity breeds contempt
• Don’t let your past hold you back!
The teaching
The South Node is where the Moon crosses the ecliptic going south. It’s a karmic point, and on the horoscope chart, it shows us what we are likely to become obsessed with, but that which will quite likely do us little to no good. The South Node is the karmic astrological point which reminds us of a well-known phrase “If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got!”

She was headed towards happiness and fulfilment, but it meant leaving the past behind
The message
There is a strong feeling when you get this card, that it’s time to leave the past behind somehow. If you want to be happy and fulfilled, you will need to get go towards doing the thing that scares you (within reason!) This card is all about you living your life purpose. The situation you have enquired about may well be associated with your life purpose. So are you willing to follow through and lead the life you incarnated to live? This card is urging to you dare to do something different with your life and your direction. If you finally find the courage to make the leap, there is a very good chance you will later ask yourself “Why did I wait so long?” This card is a sign that you need to take action.
Affirmation for this card
“I know I am headed in the right direction”
Additional meanings for this card
• Time to stop obsessing about someone or something
• Stand on your own two feet
• You need to face a fear and get over it
• You’ve got this!
• You’re headed for something which feels like ‘destiny’
The teaching
The North Node is where the Moon crosses the ecliptic going north. It’s a karmic point and on the horoscope chart shows us what we needs to do, and where we need to go with our life, to find satisfaction, fulfilment and happiness. The North Node is the karmic astrological point which reminds us that – to paraphrase Andre Gide – in order to discover new lands, we have to be prepared to lose sight of the shore.
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