May 2021
The ‘Connect To The Divine’ meditation
This month I promised you that I would do what I can to help you connect with the Divine. So I am offering you this never-before-heard meditation which features a meditative chant for Jupiter. I hope you agree this works on various levels. For one thing, Jupiter is the planet of seeking and searching – it’s the planet that opens our mind and of higher learnings. It’s very Divine. It’s also the planet associated with the sign of Sagittarius which is the sign this month’s Full Moon eclipse is in. Moreover this recording, which thus far has only been heard by a very small handful of people, features “whispers” (don’t be alarmed!!!) with positive affirmations to help you raise your vibration so you do connect with your Higher Self which in turns knows you’re connected to all life everywhere. The music has also been chosen for its uplifting qualities. Most importantly though this meditative chant will also open you up to gratitude which is the quickest way to connect with the Divine in you. I really love this meditation chant and I hope you do too. You can listen to it all month but especially into the lead up to the eclipse at the end of the month.