March 2022card readingThe 3-card this reading this month asks you to pick a card with the intention of finding out how to make the most of the quite wonderful energies unfolding this month. What do you need to know to make the most of them?March CalendarMarch...

Card Draw
February 2022 card reading
February 2022 card readingThe 3-card this reading this month asks you to pick a card with the intention of finding out how to make the most of the quite wonderful energies unfolding this month. What do you need to know to make the most of them?February...
January 2022 card reading
January 2022 card readingHere is your January 2022 forecast - what do you want to manifest in 2022? Ask something along those lines and you will get your answer!January CalendarJanuary MeditationNew Moon SheetsJanuaryCard DrawMonthlyMantra
December 2021 card reading
December 2021 card readingAsk a question, and get your answer.December CalendarDecember MeditationNew Moon SheetsDecemberCard DrawMonthlyMantra
November 2021 card reading
November 2021 card readingAsk a question, and get your answer.November CalendarNovember MeditationFull Moon SheetsNovemberCard DrawMonthlyMantra
October 2021 card reading
October 2021 card readingThree cards for you - which will you choose?!October CalendarOctober MeditationFull Moon SheetsOctoberCard DrawMonthlyMantra
September 2021 card reading
September 2021 card readingI'm using my new Moonology Manifestation cards this month for what I think is the first time. They are a bit different because as well as giving you an idea of what you are currently headed for, they also give you tips about how to manifest...
August 2021 card reading
August 2021 card readingI know a lot of people have a lot of questions after the intense astrology of recent times. Ask a question, and get your answer.August CalendarAugust MeditationFull Moon SheetsAugust Card DrawMonthly Mantra
July 2021 card reading
July 2021 card readingI know a lot of people have a lot of questions after the intense astrology of recent times. We had the eclipses and the latest of the Saturn square Uranus clashes plus Mercury retrograde, so this month's card draw is straight forward and simple....
June 2021 card reading
June 2021 card readingI drew a single card while I was recording the podcast to ask how we can make the most of the June energies – have a listen to it if you haven't yet! So for the card reading overall this month, I thought I would ask the question HOW CAN I...
May 2021 card reading
May 2021 card readingWhat's in the cards for you this month?The Oracle With YasminMay MeditationFull Moon SheetsMay Card DrawMonthlyMantra
April 2021 card reading
April 2021 card readingWhat's in the cards for you this month? The Oracle With YasminApril MeditationFull Moon SheetsApril Card Draw MonthlyMantra